Spring Cleaning With Elle V, a Super Hero, & Zoey

Every few months or so, I go through my sons clothes, and pull out everything he's outgrown or destroyed. Its get sorted into 3 piles. One for things that will be tossed, one for donations, and another for things that I love and want to hoard save. I am not hoarder. In fact, sometimes I purge to the point of regret. But that occurrence is rare, as things can be replaced, and honestly, how much stuff do ya’ really need anyway?
I’ve been trying to devise a plan to contain all of his stuff, and I’ve decided on a custom toy shelf thing for his closet, since our current set up isn’t very functional.
I’ve heard that the first step in fixing a problem, is acknowledging that one exists. So I poured everything out to see what kind of problem we were dealing with.
Then everything was sorted.
Then we bagged everything he’d either outgrown or wouldn’t miss for donation.
I thought he could part with a few more things, but boys need their toys…so I’m off to finalize plans to house them all.
See you in the next one!