Pack.Wait for movers.Travel.Wait for movers.Unpack.

That is the process for moving.
I recently moved across the country with my 3 year old, and our dog Zoey. It was a huge deal for me because I’ve never really lived on my own before. I mean, I roughed it in a college dorm/apartment for one semester. But aside from that, I have spent the majority of my life in my mommy’s house, in my lovely bedroom since I was about 6 years old.
Almost 2 decades later, I find myself in a new bedroom, living alone, in a new house, in a new city, and in a new state. And truth be told, I LOVE IT! 1,220 square feet of space that’s all mine. Not too much to manage, but just enough space to be comfortable in.
Now the first two weeks were interesting to say the least. No phone, no internet, no cable, no furniture. With just my cell phone, the luggage we traveled with, and things within said luggage most of my days have been spent running errands, making grown up phone calls, creating long lists of necessities, trips to Target and Toys R’ Us to get necessities, and cleaning.
Luckily the time went by quickly and soon we went from this:
to this:
then this:
and this:
until finally, this:
It’s interesting how much faster unpacking is to packing…not that I’m nearly finished, but still. It’s a lot easier to pull and pour stuff out than it is to pack things away.
I’m super excited to get to the decorating!
Until next time, have a wonderful rest of the day!

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